These days I have been reading a book called ‘Inspite of the Gods’ which I picked up at the behest of a very dear friend. It is a refreshing attempt by a westerner to look beyond India’s spiritual character which seems to be the only interesting topic for the other Western Authors. Having already read the Holy Cow by Sarah Macdonald (Another interesting book) I was able to appreciate the book much better.
Many times I have been extremely frustrated by the fact that the perception of India in the eyes of the foreigners is not the correct one. They have a habit of looking at spirituality in everything, even in India’s poverty. The gross misrepresentation of India’s spirituality pains me even more!
I would like to share an interesting anecdote from one personal experience. During one of the parties at University of Frankfurt I met an interesting girl who was doing her masters in biophysical chemistry. While talking to her the conversation moved on to India. I was really happy to know that she was very interested in Eastern mysticism. However, soon I realized her connotation for Indian mysticism when she asked me ‘Is the sacred book of India – The Kamasutra?’ I reached the pinnacle of frustration when my advisor asked me if I used Elephants for commuting to school!
Despite having captured the imagination of the entire world with its stellar economic growth India still continues to be a land of Kamasutra, snake charmers and Elephants!